Installing NetHunter On the TicWatch Pro 3

Table of Contents

All variants are supported (TicWatch Pro 3 GPS/LTE/Ultra GPS/Ultra LTE) with a generic installer as of now.

From unpacking to running NetHunter in 5 steps:

  1. Unlock the bootloader
  2. Flash TWRP, WearOS image, Magisk, dm-verity disabler
  3. Finalise Magisk app to finish the rooting process
  4. Install NetHunter
  5. Set NetHunter watch face

1. Unlock the bootloader

  • Connect your watch to your PC with a DIY USB cable or a 3D printed data dock, and fire up a terminal.
  • If you have set up your watch on the phone you can access settings, otherwise hold both buttons for a few seconds on the welcome screen.
  • Enable developer settings by going to System -> About -> tap Build number 10 times
  • Enable ADB, re-plug USB and accept debug from PC
  • Reboot into bootloader with adb reboot bootloader from the terminal
  • Unlock bootloader with fastboot oem unlock

2. Flash TWRP, WearOS image, Magisk, dm-verity disabler

Please note that Magisk 24.3 is recommended.

  • Again enable ADB, and reboot to bootloader with adb reboot bootloader
  • Disable vbmeta verification: fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
  • Flash recovery fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
  • Boot into recovery by selecting it with the side buttons (switch with bottom one, select with upper button)
  • Select Wipe -> Next page -> Advanced Wipe -> Format Data
  • Reboot to recovery
  • Select “Install -> ADB Sideload” If you want to install OneOS:
  • Flash OneOS with adb sideload
  • Flash Mobvoi Apps package with adb sideload
  • If you have an Ultra, adb sideload the Ultra addon package. If you want to keep stock WearOS, continue from here.
  • Make a copy of your Magisk apk file to
  • Flash Magisk with adb sideload
  • Copy and flash DM-Verity_ForceEncrpyt Disabler with adb push /sdcard/ and Install via TWRP
  • Reboot & do initial setup (pair with your phone through WearOS app)

3. Finalise Magisk app to finish the rooting process

  • Enable ADB again
  • Finalise Magisk installation with app install adb install Magisk-v24.3.apk
  • Launch Magisk Manager
  • You may want to disable auto-update, set grant access in auto response, and disable toast notifications for easier navigation in the future

4. Install NetHunter

  • Reboot to recovery
  • Select Install -> ADB Sideload
  • Flash NetHunter image with adb sideload
  • Reboot
  • Start NetHunter app & chroot
  • Reboot

5. Set NetHunter watch face

  • Install Facer onto your phone and watch from Play Store
  • Search for NetHunter
  • Select & Sync
  • Set density so NetHunter app menu buttons will be reachable on OneOS adb shell wm density 300

Enjoy Kali NetHunter on the TicWatch Pro 3


Supported features

  • Kali services
  • Custom Commands
  • Bluetooth Arsenal
  • KeX
  • MAC Changer
  • HID Attacks
  • DuckHunter
  • Nmap Scan
  • WPS Attacks

Upcoming features (not guaranteed)

  • Nexmon, as the chipset is supported, needs some time - ETA 2024.2
  • Router Keygen (to be optimised)
  • Hijacker (if nexmon succeeds) - ETA 2024.2
  • Mifare Classic Tool (need to build OS with android.hardware.nfc enabled) - ETA 2024.4

Hardware limitations

  • Power resource is not enough for any external adapters, although this kernel might support Y cable in the future!

Updated on: 2024-Jun-12
Author: yesimxev