Tool Documentation:

bluelog Usage Example

root@kali:~# bluelog
Bluelog (v1.1.2) by MS3FGX
Autodetecting device...OK
Opening output file: bluelog-2014-05-15-1651.log...OK
Writing PID file: /tmp/
Scan started at [05/15/14 16:51:46] on 00:19:0E:0E:EA:4B.
Hit Ctrl+C to end scan.

Packages and Binaries:


Bluelog is a Bluetooth scanner designed to tell you how many discoverable devices there are in an area as quickly as possible. It is intended to be used as a site survey tool, identifying the number of possible Bluetooth targets there are in the surrounding environment.

Installed size: 198 KB
How to install: sudo apt install bluelog

  • bluez
  • ieee-data
  • libbluetooth-dev
  • libbluetooth3
  • libc6

Bluetooth Scanner and Logger

root@kali:~# bluelog -h
Bluelog (v1.1.2) by Tom Nardi "MS3FGX" ([email protected])
Bluelog is a Bluetooth site survey tool, designed to tell you how
many discoverable devices there are in an area as quickly as possible.
As the name implies, its primary function is to log discovered devices
to file rather than to be used interactively. Bluelog could run on a
system unattended for long periods of time to collect data.

Bluelog also includes a mode called "Bluelog Live" which creates a
webpage of the results that you can serve up with your HTTP daemon of
choice. See the "README.LIVE" file for details.

For more information, see:

Basic Options:
	-i <interface>     Sets scanning device, default is "hci0"
	-o <filename>      Sets output filename, default is "devices.log"
	-v                 Verbose, prints discovered devices to the terminal
	-q                 Quiet, turns off nonessential terminal outout
	-d                 Enables daemon mode, Bluelog will run in background
	-k                 Kill an already running Bluelog process
	-l                 Start "Bluelog Live", default is disabled

Logging Options:
	-n                 Write device names to log, default is disabled
	-m                 Write device manufacturer to log, default is disabled
	-c                 Write device class to log, default is disabled
	-f                 Use "friendly" device class, default is disabled
	-t                 Write timestamps to log, default is disabled
	-x                 Obfuscate discovered MACs, default is disabled
	-e                 Encode discovered MACs with CRC32, default disabled
	-b                 Enable BlueProPro log format, see README

Advanced Options:
	-r <retries>       Name resolution retries, default is 3
	-a <minutes>       Amnesia, Bluelog will forget device after given time
	-w <seconds>       Scanning window in seconds, see README
	-s                 Syslog only mode, no log file. Default is disabled

Updated on: 2024-Mar-11