Tool Documentation:
brutespray Usage Examples
Attack all services in nas.gnmap
with a specific user list (unix_users.txt
) and password list (password.lst
root@kali:~# brutespray --file nas.gnmap -U /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/password.lst --threads 3 --hosts 1
#@ @/
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Created by: Shane Young/@x90skysn3k && Jacob Robles/@shellfail
Inspired by: Leon Johnson/@sho-luv
Credit to Medusa: JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <[email protected]>
Starting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and parallel hosts(-T)... \
Medusa v2.2 [] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <[email protected]>
ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: (1 of 1, 0 complete) User: 4Dgifts (1 of 111, 0 complete) Password: !@#$%^& (1 of 88396 complete)
ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: (1 of 1, 0 complete) User: 4Dgifts (1 of 111, 0 complete) Password: !@#$% (2 of 88396 complete)
ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: (1 of 1, 0 complete) User: 4Dgifts (1 of 111, 0 complete) Password: !@#$%^ (3 of 88396 complete)
Interactive mode, brute forcing the FTP service only.
root@kali:~# brutespray -i -f nas.gnmap
#@ @/
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@@@@@ @@@@%
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@@% @ @@
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Created by: Shane Young/@x90skysn3k && Jacob Robles/@shellfail
Inspired by: Leon Johnson/@sho-luv
Credit to Medusa: JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <[email protected]>
Loading File: /
Welcome to interactive mode!
WARNING: Leaving an option blank will leave it empty and refer to default
Available services to brute-force:
Service: ftp on port 21 with 1 hosts
Service: ssh on port 22 with 1 hosts
Service: mysql on port 3306 with 1 hosts
Enter services you want to brute - default all (ssh,ftp,etc): ftp
Enter the number of parallel threads (default is 2): 4
Enter the number of parallel hosts to scan per service (default is 1): 1
Would you like to specify a wordlist? (y/n): y
Enter a userlist you would like to use: /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt
Enter a passlist you would like to use: /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/password.lst
Would to specify a single username or password (y/n): n
Starting to brute, please make sure to use the right amount of threads(-t) and parallel hosts(-T)... \
Packages and Binaries:
Brutespray has been re-written in Golang, eliminating the requirement for additional tools. This enhanced version is more extensive and operates at a significantly faster pace than its Python counterpart. As of now, Brutespray accepts input from Nmap’s GNMAP/XML output, newline-separated JSON files, Nexpose’s XML Export feature, Nessus exports in .nessus format, and various lists.
Installed size: 24.46 MB
How to install: sudo apt install brutespray
- libc6
Python bruteforce tool
root@kali:~# brutespray -h
Usage of brutespray:
-C string
Specify a combo wordlist deiminated by ':', example: user1:password
-H string
Target in the format service://host:port, CIDR ranges supported,
default port will be used if not specified
-P Print found hosts parsed from provided host and file arguments
-S List all supported services
-T int
Number of hosts to bruteforce at the same time (default 5)
-f string
File to parse; Supported: Nmap, Nessus, Nexpose, Lists, etc
-o string
Directory containing successful attempts (default "brutespray-output")
-p string
Password or password file to use for bruteforce
-q Suppress the banner
-r int
Amount of times to retry after receiving connection failed (default 3)
-s string
Service type: ssh, ftp, smtp, etc; Default all (default "all")
-t int
Number of threads to use (default 10)
-u string
Username or user list to bruteforce
-w duration
Set timeout of bruteforce attempts (default 5s)
Updated on: 2024-May-23