Packages and Binaries:


This package contains the command line tool for calico. Calico is a widely adopted, battle-tested open source networking and network security solution for Kubernetes, virtual machines, and bare-metal workloads.

Installed size: 44.87 MB
How to install: sudo apt install calicoctl

  • libc6
root@kali:~# calicoctl -h
  calicoctl [options] <command> [<args>...]

    create       Create a resource by file, directory or stdin.
    replace      Replace a resource by file, directory or stdin.
    apply        Apply a resource by file, directory or stdin.  This creates a resource
                 if it does not exist, and replaces a resource if it does exists.
    patch        Patch a preexisting resource in place.
    delete       Delete a resource identified by file, directory, stdin or resource type and
    get          Get a resource identified by file, directory, stdin or resource type and
    label        Add or update labels of resources.
    convert      Convert config files between different API versions.
    ipam         IP address management.
    node         Calico node management.
    version      Display the version of this binary.
    datastore    Calico datastore management.

  -h --help                    Show this screen.
  -l --log-level=<level>       Set the log level (one of panic, fatal, error,
                               warn, info, debug) [default: panic]
     --context=<context>       The name of the kubeconfig context to use.
     --allow-version-mismatch  Allow client and cluster versions mismatch.

  The calicoctl command line tool is used to manage Calico network and security
  policy, to view and manage endpoint configuration, and to manage a Calico
  node instance.

  See 'calicoctl <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.

Updated on: 2024-May-23