Packages and Binaries:


Chaosreader traces TCP/UDP/others sessions and fetches application data from snoop or tcpdump logs (or other libpcap compatible programs). This is a type of “any-snarf” program, as it will fetch telnet sessions, FTP files, HTTP transfers (HTML, GIF, JPEG etc) and SMTP emails from the captured data inside network traffic logs. A html index file is created to that links to all the session details, including realtime replay programs for telnet, rlogin, IRC, X11 and VNC sessions. Chaosreader reports such as image reports and HTTP GET/POST content reports.

It also creates replay programs for telnet sessions, so that you can play them back in realtime (or even different speeds).

Chaosreader can also run in standalone mode, where it invokes tcpdump or snoop (a similar to tcpdump program for Solaris) to create the log files and then processes them.

This package is useful for forensics investigations and for network traffic analysis.

Installed size: 230 KB
How to install: sudo apt install chaosreader

  • libnet-dns-perl
  • perl

Trace network sessions and export it to html format

root@kali:~# chaosreader --help
Version 0.95i, 14-Apr-2014

USAGE: chaosreader [-adehiknqrvxAHIRTUXY] [-D dir]
                   [-b port[,...]] [-B port[,...]]
                   [-j IPaddr[,...]] [-J IPaddr[,...]]
                   [-l port[,...]] [-L port[,...]] [-m bytes[k]]
                   [-M bytes[k]] [-o "time"|"size"|"type"|"ip"]
                   [-p port[,...]] [-P port[,...]]
                   infile [infile2 ...]

       chaosreader -s [mins] | -S [mins[,count]]
	           [-z] [-f 'filter']

   chaosreader           # Create application session files, indexes

   -a, --application     # Create application session files (default)
   -d, --preferdns       # Show DNS names instead of IP addresses
   -e, --everything      # Create HTML 2-way & hex files for everything
   -h                    # Print a brief help
   --help                # Print verbose help (this) and version
   --help2               # Print massive help
   -i, --info            # Create info file
   -q, --quiet           # Quiet, no output to screen
   -r, --raw             # Create raw files
   -v, --verbose         # Verbose - Create ALL files .. (except -e)
   -x, --index           # Create index files (default)
   -A, --noapplication   # Exclude application session files
   -H, --hex             # Include hex dumps (slow)
   -I, --noinfo          # Exclude info files
   -R, --noraw           # Exclude raw files
   -T, --notcp           # Exclude TCP traffic
   -U, --noudp           # Exclude UDP traffic
   -Y, --noicmp          # Exclude ICMP traffic
   -X, --noindex         # Exclude index files
   -k, --keydata         # Create extra files for keystroke analysis
   -n, --names           # Include hostnames in hyperlinked HTTPlog (HTML)
   -D dir    --dir dir        # Output all files to this directory
   -b 25,79  --playtcp 25,79  # replay these TCP ports as well (playback)
   -B 36,42  --playudp 36,42  # replay these UDP ports as well (playback)
   -l 7,79   --htmltcp 7,79   # Create HTML for these TCP ports as well
   -L 7,123  --htmludp 7,123  # Create HTML for these UDP ports as well
   -m 1k     --min 1k         # Min size of connection to save ("k" for Kb)
   -M 1024k  --max 1k         # Max size of connection to save ("k" for Kb)
   -o size   --sort size      # sort Order: time/size/type/ip (Default time)
   -p 21,23  --port 21,23     # Only examine these ports (TCP & UDP)
   -P 80,81  --noport 80,81   # Exclude these ports (TCP & UDP)
   -s 5      --runonce 5      # Standalone. Run tcpdump/snoop for 5 mins.
   -S 5,10   --runmany 5,10   # Standalone, many. 10 samples of 5 mins each.
   -S 5      --runmany 5      # Standalone, endless. 5 min samples forever.
   -z        --runredo        # Standalone, redo. Rereads last run's logs.
   -j  --ipaddr    # Only examine these IPs
   -J  --noipaddr  # Exclude these IPs
   -f 'port 7'  --filter 'port 7'    # With standalone, use this dump filter.

     tcpdump -s9000 -w output1          # create tcpdump capture file
     chaosreader output1                # extract recognised sessions, or,
     chaosreader -ve output1            # gimme everything, or,
     chaosreader -p 20,21,23 output1    # only ftp and telnet...
     snoop -o output1                   # create snoop capture file instead
     chaosreader output1                # extract recognised sessions...
     chaosreader -S 2,5		# Standalone, sniff network 5 times for 2 mins
				# each. View index.html for progress (or .text)

Updated on: 2023-Nov-20