Packages and Binaries:
This package contains a series of debugging and validation tools for Kubelet CRI, which includes:
- crictl: CLI for kubelet CRI.
- critest: validation test suites for kubelet CRI.
Installed size: 77.06 MB
How to install: sudo apt install cri-tools
root@kali:~# crictl -h
crictl - client for CRI
crictl [global options] command [command options]
attach Attach to a running container
create Create a new container
exec Run a command in a running container
version Display runtime version information
images, image, img List images
inspect Display the status of one or more containers
inspecti Return the status of one or more images
imagefsinfo Return image filesystem info
inspectp Display the status of one or more pods
logs Fetch the logs of a container
port-forward Forward local port to a pod
ps List containers
pull Pull an image from a registry
run Run a new container inside a sandbox
runp Run a new pod
rm Remove one or more containers
rmi Remove one or more images
rmp Remove one or more pods
pods List pods
start Start one or more created containers
info Display information of the container runtime
stop Stop one or more running containers
stopp Stop one or more running pods
update Update one or more running containers
config Get and set crictl client configuration options
stats List container(s) resource usage statistics
statsp List pod statistics. Stats represent a structured API that will fulfill the Kubelet's /stats/summary endpoint.
metricsp List pod metrics. Metrics are unstructured key/value pairs gathered by CRI meant to replace cAdvisor's /metrics/cadvisor endpoint.
completion Output shell completion code
checkpoint Checkpoint one or more running containers
runtime-config Retrieve the container runtime configuration
events, event Stream the events of containers
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--config value, -c value Location of the client config file. If not specified and the default does not exist, the program's directory is searched as well (default: "/etc/crictl.yaml") [$CRI_CONFIG_FILE]
--debug, -D Enable debug mode (default: false)
--enable-tracing Enable OpenTelemetry tracing. (default: false)
--image-endpoint value, -i value Endpoint of CRI image manager service (default: uses 'runtime-endpoint' setting) [$IMAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT]
--runtime-endpoint value, -r value Endpoint of CRI container runtime service (default: uses in order the first successful one of [unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock unix:///run/crio/crio.sock unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock]). Default is now deprecated and the endpoint should be set instead. [$CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT]
--timeout value, -t value Timeout of connecting to the server in seconds (e.g. 2s, 20s.). 0 or less is set to default (default: 2s)
--tracing-endpoint value Address to which the gRPC tracing collector will send spans to. (default: "")
--tracing-sampling-rate-per-million value Number of samples to collect per million OpenTelemetry spans. Set to 1000000 or -1 to always sample. (default: -1)
--help, -h show help
root@kali:~# critest -h
Controlling Test Order
--ginkgo.seed [int] (default: randomly generated by Ginkgo)
The seed used to randomize the spec suite.
If set, ginkgo will randomize all specs together. By default, ginkgo only
randomizes the top level Describe, Context and When containers.
Controlling Test Parallelism
These are set by the Ginkgo CLI, do not set them manually via go test.
Use ginkgo -p or ginkgo -procs=N instead.
--ginkgo.parallel.process [int] (default: 1)
This worker process's (one-indexed) process number. For running specs in
parallel. [int] (default: 1)
The total number of worker processes. For running specs in parallel. [string] (default: set by Ginkgo CLI)
The address for the server that will synchronize the processes.
Filtering Tests
--ginkgo.label-filter [expression]
If set, ginkgo will only run specs with labels that match the label-filter.
The passed-in expression can include boolean operations (!, &&, ||, ','),
groupings via '()', and regular expressions '/regexp/'. e.g. '(cat || dog)
&& !fruit'
--ginkgo.focus [string]
If set, ginkgo will only run specs that match this regular expression. Can
be specified multiple times, values are ORed.
--ginkgo.skip [string]
If set, ginkgo will only run specs that do not match this regular
expression. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed.
--ginkgo.focus-file [file (regexp) | file:line | file:lineA-lineB | file:line,line,line]
If set, ginkgo will only run specs in matching files. Can be specified
multiple times, values are ORed.
--ginkgo.skip-file [file (regexp) | file:line | file:lineA-lineB | file:line,line,line]
If set, ginkgo will skip specs in matching files. Can be specified multiple
times, values are ORed.
Failure Handling
If set, ginkgo will mark the test suite as failed if any specs are pending.
If set, ginkgo will stop running a test suite after a failure occurs.
--ginkgo.flake-attempts [int] (default: 0 - failed tests are not retried)
Make up to this many attempts to run each spec. If any of the attempts
succeed, the suite will not be failed.
Controlling Output Formatting
If set, suppress color output in default reporter.
If set, emits more output including GinkgoWriter contents.
If set, emits with maximal verbosity - includes skipped and pending tests.
If set, default reporter prints out a very succinct report
If set, default reporter prints out the full stack trace when a failure
If set, default reporter prints node > Enter and < Exit events when specs
If set, default reporter prints easier to manage output in Github Actions.
--ginkgo.json-report [filename.json]
If set, Ginkgo will generate a JSON-formatted test report at the specified
--ginkgo.junit-report [filename.xml]
If set, Ginkgo will generate a conformant junit test report in the specified
--ginkgo.teamcity-report [filename]
If set, Ginkgo will generate a Teamcity-formatted test report at the
specified location.
Debugging Tests
In addition to these flags, Ginkgo supports a few debugging environment
variables. To change the parallel server protocol set GINKGO_PARALLEL_PROTOCOL
to HTTP. To avoid pruning callstacks set GINKGO_PRUNE_STACK to FALSE.
If set, ginkgo will walk the test hierarchy without actually running
anything. Best paired with -v.
--ginkgo.poll-progress-after [duration] (default: 0)
Emit node progress reports periodically if node hasn't completed after this
--ginkgo.poll-progress-interval [duration] (default: 10s)
The rate at which to emit node progress reports after poll-progress-after
has elapsed.
--ginkgo.source-root [string]
The location to look for source code when generating progress reports. You
can pass multiple --source-root flags.
--ginkgo.timeout [duration] (default: 1h)
Test suite fails if it does not complete within the specified timeout.
--ginkgo.grace-period [duration] (default: 30s)
When interrupted, Ginkgo will wait for GracePeriod for the current running
node to exit before moving on to the next one.
--ginkgo.output-interceptor-mode [dup, swap, or none]
If set, ginkgo will use the specified output interception strategy when
running in parallel. Defaults to dup on unix and swap on windows.
Go test flags
Run benchmarks instead of validation tests
-benchmarking-output-dir string
Optional path to a directory in which benchmarking data should be placed.
-benchmarking-params-file string
Optional path to a YAML file specifying benchmarking configuration options.
-config string
Location of the client config file. If not specified and the default does not exist, the program's directory is searched as well
-image-endpoint string
Image service socket for client to connect.
-image-service-timeout duration
Timeout when trying to connect to image service.
-parallel int
The number of parallel test nodes to run (default 1)
-registry-prefix string
A possible registry prefix added to all images, like 'localhost:5000'
-report-dir string
Path to the directory where the JUnit XML reports should be saved. Default is empty, which doesn't generate these reports.
-report-prefix string
Optional prefix for JUnit XML reports. Default is empty, which doesn't prepend anything to the default name.
-runtime-endpoint string
Runtime service socket for client to connect.
-runtime-handler string
Runtime handler to use in the test.
-runtime-service-timeout duration
Timeout when trying to connect to a runtime service.
-test-images-file string
Optional path to a YAML file containing references to custom container images to be used in tests.
-test.bench regexp
run only benchmarks matching regexp
print memory allocations for benchmarks
-test.benchtime d
run each benchmark for duration d or N times if `d` is of the form Nx
-test.blockprofile file
write a goroutine blocking profile to file
-test.blockprofilerate rate
set blocking profile rate (see runtime.SetBlockProfileRate)
-test.count n
run tests and benchmarks n times
-test.coverprofile file
write a coverage profile to file
-test.cpu list
comma-separated list of cpu counts to run each test with
-test.cpuprofile file
write a cpu profile to file
do not start new tests after the first test failure
show full file names in error messages
-test.fuzz regexp
run the fuzz test matching regexp
-test.fuzzcachedir string
directory where interesting fuzzing inputs are stored (for use only by cmd/go)
-test.fuzzminimizetime value
time to spend minimizing a value after finding a failing input
-test.fuzztime value
time to spend fuzzing; default is to run indefinitely
coordinate with the parent process to fuzz random values (for use only by cmd/go)
-test.gocoverdir string
write coverage intermediate files to this directory
-test.list regexp
list tests, examples, and benchmarks matching regexp then exit
-test.memprofile file
write an allocation profile to file
-test.memprofilerate rate
set memory allocation profiling rate (see runtime.MemProfileRate)
-test.mutexprofile string
write a mutex contention profile to the named file after execution
-test.mutexprofilefraction int
if >= 0, calls runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction()
-test.outputdir dir
write profiles to dir
panic on call to os.Exit(0)
-test.parallel n
run at most n tests in parallel regexp
run only tests and examples matching regexp
run smaller test suite to save time
-test.shuffle string
randomize the execution order of tests and benchmarks
-test.skip regexp
do not list or run tests matching regexp
-test.testlogfile file
write test action log to file (for use only by cmd/go)
-test.timeout d
panic test binary after duration d (default 0, timeout disabled)
-test.trace file
write an execution trace to file
verbose: print additional output
Display version of critest
Updated on: 2024-May-23