Packages and Binaries:


Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations.

This is the GUI part of fwbuilder

Installed size: 38.81 MB
How to install: sudo apt install fwbuilder

  • fwbuilder-common
  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • libqt5core5t64
  • libqt5gui5t64 | libqt5gui5-gles
  • libqt5network5t64
  • libqt5printsupport5t64
  • libqt5widgets5t64
  • libsnmp40t64
  • libstdc++6
  • libxml2
  • libxslt1.1
  • zlib1g

Wrapper script that compiles policies for multiple firewall objects

root@kali:~# man fwb_compile_all
fwb_compile_all(1)              Firewall Builder             fwb_compile_all(1)

       fwb_compile_all  -  Wrapper  script  that compiles policies for multiple
       firewall objects

       fwb_compile_all -ffile.xml [-dwdir] [-av] [obj[ obj ...]]

       fwb_compile_all is a wrapper script that compiles policies  for  several
       firewall  objects in one batch job. This script takes a list of firewall
       object names on the command line (or '-a' command line option,  see  be-
       low) and calls policy compiler for each one. The script correctly deter-
       mines which policy compiler is needed depending on the firewall platform
       of each object.

       -a     The  script  processes  all  firewall objects in the "/Firewalls"

       -d wdir
              Specify working directory.  Compiler creates file  with  iptables
              script  in  this  directory.   If this parameter is missing, then
              iptables script will be placed in the current working directory.

       -f FILE
              Specify the name of the data file to be processed.

       -v     Script passes this option to the compiler, this  makes  it  print
              diagnostic messages indicating its progress.

       Firewall   Builder   home   page   is  located  at  the  following  URL:

       Please report bugs using bug tracking system on SourceForge:

       fwbuilder(1), fwb_ipt(1) fwb_ipf(1) fwb_pf(1) fwbedit(1), fwblookup(1)

FWB                                                          fwb_compile_all(1)


Policy compiler for Cisco IOS ACL

root@kali:~# man fwb_iosacl
fwb_pix(1)                      Firewall Builder                     fwb_pix(1)

       fwb_ipt - Policy compiler for Cisco IOS ACL

       fwb_iosacl [-vV] [-d wdir] [-4] [-6] [-i] -f data_file.xml object_name

       fwb_iosacl  is  firewall  policy  compiler component of Firewall Builder
       (see fwbuilder(1)). Compiler reads objects definitions and firewall  de-
       scription  from  the  data file specified with "-f" option and generates
       resultant Cisco IOS ACL configuration file. The configuration is written
       to the file with the name the same as the name of the  firewall  object,
       plus extension ".fw". Compiler generates extended access lists for Cisco
       routers running IOS v12.x using "ip access-list <name>" syntax. Compiler
       also  generates "ip access-group" commands to assign access lists to in-
       terfaces. Generated ACL configuration can be uploaded to the router man-
       ually or using built-in installer in the fwbuilder(1) GUI.

       The data file and the name of the firewall objects must be specified  on
       the command line. Other command line parameters are optional.

       -4     Generate  iptables  script  for  IPv4  part of the policy. If any
              rules of the firewall refer to IPv6 addresses, compiler will skip
              these rules.  Options "-4" and "-6" are exclusive. If neither op-
              tion is used, compiler  tries  to  generate  both  parts  of  the
              script, although generation of the IPv6 part is controlled by the
              option  "Enable  IPv6  support" in the "IPv6" tab of the firewall
              object advanced settings dialog.  This option is off by default.

       -6     Generate iptables script for IPv6 part  of  the  policy.  If  any
              rules of the firewall refer to IPv6 addresses, compiler will skip
              these rules.

       -f FILE
              Specify the name of the data file to be processed.

       -d wdir
              Specify working directory. Compiler creates file with ACL config-
              uration  in  this  directory.  If this parameter is missing, then
              generated ACL will be placed in the current working directory.

       -v     Be verbose: compiler prints diagnostic messages when it works.

       -V     Print version number and quit.

       -i     When this option is present, the last  argument  on  the  command
              line is supposed to be firewall object ID rather than its name

       Firewall   Builder   home   page   is  located  at  the  following  URL:

       Please report bugs using bug tracking system on SourceForge:

       fwbuilder(1), fwb_pix(1), fwb_ipfw(1), fwb_ipf(1), fwb_ipt(1) fwb_pf(1)

FWB                                                                  fwb_pix(1)


Policy compiler for ipfilter

root@kali:~# fwb_ipf -h
Firewall Builder:  policy compiler for ipfilter
Version 5.3.7
Usage: fwb_ipf [-x] [-v] [-V] [-f filename.xml] [-o output.fw] [-d destdir] [-m] firewall_object_name


Policy compiler for ipfw

root@kali:~# fwb_ipfw -h
Firewall Builder:  policy compiler for ipfw
Version 5.3.7
Usage: fwb_ipfw [-x] [-v] [-V] [-f filename.xml] [-o output.fw] [-d destdir] [-m] firewall_object_name


Policy compiler for iptables

root@kali:~# fwb_ipt -h
Firewall Builder:  policy compiler for Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x iptables
Version 5.3.7
Usage: fwb_ipt [-x level] [-v] [-V] [-q] [-f filename.xml] [-d destdir] [-D datadir ] [-m] [-4|-6] firewall_object_name


Policy compiler for OpenBSD packet filter “pf”

root@kali:~# fwb_pf -h
Firewall Builder:  policy compiler for OpenBSD PF
Version 5.3.7
Usage: fwb_pf [-x] [-v] [-V] [-f filename.xml] [-o output.fw] [-d destdir] [-D datadir] [-m] [-4|-6] firewall_object_name


Policy compiler for Cisco PIX

root@kali:~# fwb_pix -h
Firewall Builder:  policy compiler for Cisco PIX firewall (with support for FWSM)
Copyright 2002-2009 NetCitadel, LLC
Version 5.3.7
Usage: fwb_pix [-tvV] [-f filename.xml] [-d destdir] [-o output.fw] firewall_object_name

root@kali:~# fwb_procurve_acl -h
Firewall Builder:  policy compiler for HP ProCurve ACL
Copyright 2010 NetCitadel, LLC
Version 5.3.7
Usage: fwb_procurve_acl [-tvV] [-f filename.xml] [-d destdir] [-o output.fw] firewall_object_name


General purpose object tree editing tool

root@kali:~# fwbedit -h
Firewall Builder:  general purpose object tree editing tool
Version 5.3.7

Usage: fwbedit command [options]

Command is one of:
      new         create new object
      delete      delete object
      modify      modify object
      list        print object
      add         add object to a group
      remove      remove object from a group
      upgrade     upgrade data file
      checktree   check object tree and repair if necessary
      merge       merge one data file into another
      import      import firewall configuration (iptables, CIsco IOS,
                  Cisco PIX, ASA and FWSM)

Type   'fwbedit command' to get summary of options for the command


Multiplatform firewall configuration tool

root@kali:~# man fwbuilder
fwbuilder(1)                    Firewall Builder                   fwbuilder(1)

       fwbuilder - Multiplatform firewall configuration tool

       /usr/bin/fwbuilder  [-ffile.fwb] [-d] [-h] [-ofile] [-Pobject_name] [-r]

       fwbuilder is the Graphic User  Interface  (GUI)  component  of  Firewall

       Firewall Builder consists of a GUI and set of policy compilers for vari-
       ous  firewall  platforms.  It helps users maintain a database of objects
       and allows policy editing using  simple  drag-and-drop  operations.  GUI
       generates  firewall description in the form of XML file, which compilers
       then interpret and generate platform-specific code.  Several  algorithms
       are  provided for automated network objects discovery and bulk import of
       data. The GUI and policy compilers are completely independent, this pro-
       vides for a consistent abstract model and the  same  GUI  for  different
       firewall platforms.

       Firewall  Builder  supports  firewalls  based  on iptables (Linux kernel
       2.4.x and 2.6.x, see fwb_ipt(1)), ipfilter (variety of platforms includ-
       ing *BSD, Solaris and others, see fwb_ipf(1)), pf (OpenBSD and  FreeBSD,
       see  fwb_pf(1)), ipfw (FreeBSD and others), Cisco PIX (v6.x and 7.x) and
       Cisco IOS extended access lists.

       -f FILE
              Specify the name of the file to be loaded when program starts.

       -r     When this command line option is given  in  combination  with  -f
              file,  the  program  automatically opens RCS head revision of the
              file if file is in RCS. If file is not in RCS, this  option  does
              nothing and the file is opened as usual.

       -d     Turns on debug mode. Note that in this mode the program generates
              lots of output on standard error. This is used for debugging.

       -h     Prints brief help message

       -o file
              Specify  the  name  of  the file for the print output, see option

       -P object_name
              Print rules and objects for the firewall object "object_name" and
              immediately exit. The program does not go into interactive  mode.
              Print  output  will be placed in the file specified with "-o" op-
              tion.  If file name is not given with option "-o",  print  output
              is stored in the file "print.pdf" in the current directory.

              Fwbuilder v2.1 stores user preferences in this file.

       $HOME/.config/ Builder.conf
              Fwbuilder v3.0 stores user preferences in this file.

       Firewall   Builder   home   page   is  located  at  the  following  URL:

       Please report bugs using bug tracking system on SourceForge:

       fwblookup(1), fwb_ipt(1), fwb_ipf(1), fwb_pf(1)

FWB                                                                fwbuilder(1)


Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations.

This is the arch independent common parts of fwbuilder

Installed size: 1.24 MB
How to install: sudo apt install fwbuilder-common


Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations.

This is the documentation of fwbuilder

Installed size: 1.39 MB
How to install: sudo apt install fwbuilder-doc

Updated on: 2024-May-23