Packages and Binaries:


Portable solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats (recommended by hashcat) and to John the Ripper formats.

hcx stands for:

  • h = hash
  • c = capture, convert and calculate candidates
  • x = different hashtypes

Installed size: 547 KB
How to install: sudo apt install hcxtools

  • ieee-data
  • libc6
  • libcurl4t64
  • libssl3t64
  • zlib1g

Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxeiutool -h
hcxeiutool 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
hcxeiutool <options>

-i <file> : input wordlist
-d <file> : output digit wordlist
-x <file> : output xdigit wordlist
-c <file> : output character wordlist (A-Za-z - other characters removed)
-s <file> : output character wordlist (A-Za-z - other characters replaced by 0x0a)
            recommended option for processing with rules
-h        : show this help
-v        : show version

--help           : show this help
--version        : show version

$ hcxdumptool -i <interface> -w dump.pcapng
$ hcxpcapngtool -o hash.22000 -E elist dump.pcapng
$ hcxeiutool -i elist -d digitlist -x xdigitlist -c charlist -s sclist
$ cat elist digitlist xdigitlist charlist sclist > wordlisttmp
$ hashcat --stdout -r <rule> charlist >> wordlisttmp
$ hashcat --stdout -r <rule> sclist >> wordlisttmp
$ cat wordlisttmp | sort | uniq > wordlist
$ hashcat -m 22000 hash.22000 wordlist


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxhash2cap -h
hcxhash2cap 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
hcxhash2cap <options>

-c <file> : output cap file
            if no cap file is selected, output will be written to single cap files
            format: mac_sta.cap (mac_sta.cap_x)
-h        : show this help
-v        : show version

--pmkid-eapol=<file> : input PMKID EAPOL (22000) combi hash file
--pmkid=<file>       : input deprecated PMKID (16800) hash file
--hccapx=<file>      : input deprecated hccapx (2500) hash file
--hccap=<file>       : input ancient hccap (2500) file
--john=<file>        : input John the Ripper WPAPSK hash file
--help               : show this help
--version            : show version

Important notice:
Conversion from a dump file to a hash file is not loss less.
Hash files that contain EAPOL M3 MESSAGEs can't be converted back to a cap file.


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxhashtool -h
hcxhashtool 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
hcxhashtool <options>

-i <file>   : input PMKID/EAPOL hash file
-o <file>   : output PMKID/EAPOL hash file
-E <file>   : output ESSID list (autohex enabled)
-E stdout   : output ESSID list to stdout (autohex enabled)
-L <file>   : output ESSID list (unfiltered and unsorted)
              useful in combination with hashcat -a9 option
-d          : download
              and save to ~/.hcxtools/oui.txt
              internet connection required
-h          : show this help
-v          : show version

--essid-group                : convert to ESSID groups in working directory
                               full advantage of reuse of PBKDF2
                               not on old hash formats
--oui-group                  : convert to OUI groups in working directory
                               not on old hash formats
--mac-group-ap               : convert APs to MAC groups in working directory
                               not on old hash formats
--mac-group-client           : convert CLIENTs to MAC groups in working directory
                               not on old hash formats
--type=<digit>               : filter by hash type
                                1 = PMKID
                                2 = EAPOL
                               default PMKID and EAPOL (1+2=3)
--hcx-min=<digit>            : disregard hashes with occurrence lower than hcx-min/ESSID
--hcx-max=<digit>            : disregard hashes with occurrence higher than hcx-max/ESSID
--essid-len                  : filter by ESSID length
                               default ESSID length: 0...32
--essid-min                  : filter by ESSID minimum length
                               default ESSID minimum length: 0
--essid-max                  : filter by ESSID maximum length
                               default ESSID maximum length: 32
--essid=<ESSID>              : filter by ESSID
--essid-part=<part of ESSID> : filter by part of ESSID (case sensitive)
--essid-partx=<part of ESSID>: filter by part of ESSID (case insensitive)
                               locale and wide characters are ignored
--essid-list=<file>          : filter by ESSID file
--mac-ap=<MAC>               : filter AP by MAC
                               format: 001122334455, 00:11:22:33:44:55, 00-11-22-33-44-55 (hex)
--mac-client=<MAC>           : filter CLIENT by MAC
                               format: 001122334455, 00:11:22:33:44:55, 00-11-22-33-44-55 (hex)
--mac-list=<file>            : filter by MAC file
                               format: 001122334455, 00:11:22:33:44:55, 00-11-22-33-44-55 (hex)
--mac-skiplist=<file>        : exclude MAC from file
                               format: 001122334455, 00:11:22:33:44:55, 00-11-22-33-44-55 (hex)
--oui-ap=<OUI>               : filter AP by OUI
                               format: 001122, 00:11:22, 00-11-22 (hex)
--oui-client=<OUI>           : filter CLIENT by OUI
                               format: 001122, 00:11:22, 00-11-22 (hex)
--vendor=<VENDOR>            : filter AP or CLIENT by (part of) VENDOR name
--vendor-ap=<VENDOR>         : filter AP by (part of) VENDOR name
--vendor-client=<VENDOR>     : filter CLIENT by (part of) VENDOR name
--authorized                 : filter EAPOL pairs by status authorized (M2M3, M3M4, M1M4)
--challenge                  : filter EAPOL pairs by status CHALLENGE (M1M2, M1M2ROGUE)
--rc                         : filter EAPOL pairs by replaycount status checked
--rc-not                     : filter EAPOL pairs by replaycount status not checked
--apless                     : filter EAPOL pairs by status M1M2ROGUE (M2 requested from CLIENT)
--info=<file>                : output detailed information about content of hash file
                               no filter options available
--info=stdout                : stdout output detailed information about content of hash file
                               no filter options available
--info-vendor=<file>         : output detailed information about ACCESS POINT and CLIENT VENDORs
                               no filter options available
--info-vendor-ap=<file>      : output detailed information about ACCESS POINT VENDORs
                               no filter options available
--info-vendor-client=<file>  : output detailed information about CLIENT VENDORs
                               no filter options available
--info-vendor=stdout         : stdout output detailed information about ACCESS POINT and CLIENT VENDORs
                               no filter options available
--info-vendor-ap=stdout      : stdout output detailed information about ACCESS POINT VENDORs
                               no filter options available
--info-vendor-client=stdout  : stdout output detailed information about CLIENT VENDORs
                               no filter options available
--psk=<PSK>                  : pre-shared key to test
                               due to PBKDF2 calculation this is a very slow process
                               no nonce error corrections
--pmk=<PMK>                  : plain master key to test
                               no nonce error corrections
--hccapx-in=<file>           : inputput deprecated hccapx file
                                MESSSAGEPAIR is taken from the hccapx source
--hccapx-out=<file>          : output to deprecated hccapx file
--hccap-in=<file>            : input to ancient hccap file
--hccap-out=<file>           : output to ancient hccap file
                                MESSSAGEPAIR is calculated from the EAPOL MESSAGE
                                due to missing information, the worst case value is calculated
--hccap-single               : output to ancient hccap single files (MAC + count)
--john=<file>                : output to deprecated john file
--vendorlist                 : stdout output complete OUI list sorted by OUI
--help                       : show this help
--version                    : show version

Important notice:
hcxhashtool does not do NONCE ERROR CORRECTIONS
in case of a packet loss, you get a wrong PTK


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxpcapngtool -h
hcxpcapngtool 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
convert pcapng, pcap and cap files to hash formats that hashcat and JtR use
hcxpcapngtool <options>
hcxpcapngtool <options> input.pcapng
hcxpcapngtool <options> *.pcapng
hcxpcapngtool <options> *.pcap
hcxpcapngtool <options> *.cap
hcxpcapngtool <options> *.*

short options:
-o <file> : output WPA-PBKDF2-PMKID+EAPOL hash file (hashcat -m 22000)
            get full advantage of reuse of PBKDF2 on PMKID and EAPOL
-E <file> : output wordlist (autohex enabled on non ASCII characters) to use as input wordlist for cracker
            retrieved from every frame that contain an ESSID
-R <file> : output wordlist (autohex enabled on non ASCII characters) to use as input wordlist for cracker
            retrieved from PROBEREQUEST frames only
-I <file> : output unsorted identity list to use as input wordlist for cracker
-U <file> : output unsorted username list to use as input wordlist for cracker
-D <file> : output device information list
-h        : show this help
-v        : show version

long options:
--all                              : convert all possible hashes instead of only the best one
                                     that can lead to much overhead hashes
                                     use hcxhashtool to filter hashes
                                     need hashcat --nonce-error-corrections >= 8
--eapoltimeout=<digit>             : set EAPOL TIMEOUT (milliseconds)
                                   : default: 5000 ms
--nonce-error-corrections=<digit>  : set nonce error correction
                                     warning: values > 0 can lead to uncrackable handshakes
                                   : default: 0
--ignore-ie                        : do not use CIPHER and AKM information
                                     this will convert all frames regadless of
                                     CIPHER and/OR AKM information,
                                     and can lead to uncrackable hashes
--max-essids=<digit>               : maximum allowed ESSIDs
                                     default: 1 ESSID
                                     disregard ESSID changes and take ESSID with highest ranking
--eapmd5=<file>                    : output EAP MD5 CHALLENGE (hashcat -m 4800)
--eapmd5-john=<file>               : output EAP MD5 CHALLENGE (john chap)
--eapleap=<file>                   : output EAP LEAP and MSCHAPV2 CHALLENGE (hashcat -m 5500, john netntlm)
--tacacs-plus=<file>               : output TACACS PLUS v1 (hashcat -m 16100, john tacacs-plus)
--nmea=<file>                      : output GPS data in NMEA 0183 format
                                     format: NMEA 0183 $GPGGA, $GPRMC, $GPWPL
                                     to convert it to gpx, use GPSBabel:
                                     gpsbabel -i nmea -f hcxdumptool.nmea -o gpx,gpxver=1.1 -F hcxdumptool.gpx
                                     to display the track, open file.gpx with viking
--csv=<file>                       : output ACCESS POINT information in CSV format
                                     delimiter: tabulator (0x08)
                                     to convert it to other formats, use bash tools or scripting languages
                                     GPS FIX:
                                     0 = fix not available or invalid
                                     1 = fix valid (GPS SPS mode)
                                     2 = fix valid (differential GPS SPS Mode)
                                     3 = not supported
                                     4 = not supported
                                     5 = not supported
                                     6 = fix valid (Dead Reckoning Mode)

--log=<file>                       : output logfile
--raw-out=<file>                   : output frames in HEX ASCII
                                   : format: TIMESTAMP*LINKTYPE*FRAME*CHECKSUM
--raw-in=<file>                    : input frames in HEX ASCII
                                   : format: TIMESTAMP*LINKTYPE*FRAME*CHECKSUM
--lts=<file>                       : output BSSID list to sync with external GPS data
                                     format: LINUX timestamp <tab> RSSI <tab> MAC_AP <tab> ESSID
--pmkid-client=<file>              : output WPA-(MESH/REPEATER)-PMKID hash file (hashcat -m 22000)
--pmkid=<file>                     : output deprecated PMKID file (delimiter *)
--hccapx=<file>                    : output deprecated hccapx v4 file
--hccap=<file>                     : output deprecated hccap file
--john=<file>                      : output deprecated PMKID/EAPOL (JtR wpapsk-opencl/wpapsk-pmk-opencl)
--prefix=<file>                    : convert everything to lists using this prefix (overrides single options):
                                      -o <file.22000>           : output PMKID/EAPOL hash file
                                      -E <file.essid>           : output wordlist (autohex enabled on non ASCII characters) to use as input wordlist for cracker
                                      -I <file.identity>        : output unsorted identity list to use as input wordlist for cracker
                                      -U <file.username>        : output unsorted username list to use as input wordlist for cracker
                                     --eapmd5=<file.4800>       : output EAP MD5 CHALLENGE (hashcat -m 4800)
                                     --eapleap=<file.5500>      : output EAP LEAP and MSCHAPV2 CHALLENGE (hashcat -m 5500, john netntlm)
                                     --tacacs-plus=<file.16100> : output TACACS+ (hashcat -m 16100, john tacacs-plus)
                                     --nmea=<file.nmea>         : output GPS data in NMEA 0183 format
--add-timestamp                    : add date/time and EAPOL TIME gap (time between two EAPOL MESSAGEs in nsec) to hash line
                                     this must be filtered out before feeding hashcat with the hash, e.g. by awk:
                                     cat hash.hc22000 | awk '{print $1}' > hashremovedtimestamp.hc22000
--help                             : show this help
--version                          : show version
bitmask of PMKID hash line (WPA*01) message pair field:
0: reserved
1: PMKID taken from AP
2: reserved
4: PMKID taken from CLIENT (wlan.da: possible MESH or REPEATER)
5: reserved
6: reserved
7: reserved

bitmask of EAPOL hash line (WPA*02) message pair field:
 000 = M1+M2, EAPOL from M2 (challenge)
 001 = M1+M4, EAPOL from M4 (authorized) - usable if NONCE_CLIENT is not zeroed 
 010 = M2+M3, EAPOL from M2 (authorized)
 011 = M2+M3, EAPOL from M3 (authorized) - usable by option --all
 100 = M3+M4, EAPOL from M3 (authorized) - usable by option --all
 101 = M3+M4, EAPOL from M4 (authorized) - usable if NONCE_CLIENT is not zeroed
3: reserved
4: NC (set to 1) - nonce-error-corrections deactivated on M1M2ROGUE, M2M3E3 and M3M4E3
5: LE router detected (set to 1) - nonce-error-corrections required only on LE
6: BE router detected (set to 1) - nonce-error-corrections required only on BE
7: NC (set to 1) - nonce-error-corrections activated

Do not edit, merge or convert pcapng files! This will remove optional comment fields!
Detection of bit errors does not work on cleaned dump files!
Do not use hcxpcapngtool in combination with third party cap/pcap/pcapng cleaning tools (except: tshark and/or Wireshark)!
It is much better to run gzip to compress the files. Wireshark, tshark and hcxpcapngtool will understand this.
Output is appended to existing files.
Recommended tools to show additional 802.11 fields or to decrypt WiFi traffic: Wireshark and/or tshark
Recommended tool to filter converted hash by several options: hcxhashtool
Recommended tool to get default or standard PSKs: hcxpsktool
Recommended tool to calculate wordlists based on ESSID: hcxeiutool
Recommended tools to retrieve PSK from hash: hashcat, JtR


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxpmktool -h
hcxpmktool 6.3.4  (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
usage  : hcxpmktool <options>

short options:
-l <hash line> : input hashcat hash line (-m 22000)
-e <ESSID>     : input Network Name (ESSID)
-p <PSK>       : input Pre Shared Key (PSK) or Plain Master Key (PMK)
-p -           : read Pre Shared Key (PSK) from stdin
               : small lists only

long options:
--help         : show this help
--version      : show version

exit codes:
0 = PSK/PMK confirmed
1 = ERROR occurred
2 = PSK/PMK unconfirmed

Important notice:
hcxpmktool does not do NONCE ERROR CORRECTIONS
in case of a packet loss, you get a wrong PTK


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxpsktool -h
hcxpsktool 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
hcxpsktool <options>

-c <file>   : input PMKID/EAPOL hash file (hashcat -m 22000/22001)
-i <file>   : input EAPOL hash file (hashcat -m 2500/2501)
-j <file>   : input EAPOL hash file (john)
-z <file>   : input PMKID hash file (hashcat -m 16800/16801 and john)
-e <char>   : input ESSID
-b <xdigit> : input MAC access point
              format: 112233445566
-o <file>   : output PSK file
              default: stdout
              output list must be sorted unique!
-h          : show this help
-v          : show version

--maconly           : print only candidates based on ACCESS POINT MAC
--noessidcombination: exclude ESSID combinations
--netgear           : include weak NETGEAR / ORBI / NTGR_VMB / ARLO_VMB / FoxtelHub candidates
--spectrum          : include weak MySpectrumWiFi / SpectrumSetup / MyCharterWiFi candidates
                      list will be > 2.2GB
--digit10           : include weak 10 digit candidates (INFINITUM, ALHN, INEA, VodafoneNet, VIVACOM)
                      list will be > 1GB
--phome             : include weak PEGATRON / Vantiva candidates (CBCI, HOME, [SP/XF]SETUP)
                      list will be > 2.9GB
--tenda             : include weak TENDA candidates
--ee                : include weak 5GHz-EE / BrightBox / EE / EE-BrightBox candidates
                      list will be > 1.3GB
--eeupper           : include weak EE-Hub candidates
                      list will be > 3.8GB
--alticeoptimum     : include weak Altice/Optimum candidates (MyAltice, MyOptimum)
                      list will be > 4.6GB
--asus              : include weak ASUS RT-AC candidates (ASUS_XX, RT-AC)
--weakpass          : include weak password candidates
--eudate            : include complete european dates
--usdate            : include complete american dates
--wpskeys           : include complete WPS keys
--egn               : include Bulgarian EGN
--simple            : include simple pattern
--help              : show this help
--version           : show version

if hcxpsktool recovered your password, you should change it immediately!


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# hcxwltool -h
hcxwltool 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
hcxwltool <options>

-i <file> : input wordlist
-o <file> : output wordlist to file
-h        : show this help
-v        : show version

--straight       : output format untouched
--digit          : output format only digits
--xdigit         : output format only xdigits
--lower          : output format only lower
--upper          : output format only upper
--capital        : output format only capital
--length=<digit> : password length (8...32)
--help           : show this help
--version        : show version

hcxwltool -i wordlist --straight | sort | uniq | hashcat -m 22000 hashfile.hc22000
hcxwltool -i wordlist --digit --length=10 | sort | uniq | hashcat -m 22000 hashfile.hc22000
hcxwltool -i wordlist --digit | sort | uniq | hashcat -m 22000 hashfile.hc22000
hcxwltool -i wordlist --xdigit | sort | uniq | john --stdin --format=wpapsk-opencl john.hashfile


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# whoismac -h
whoismac 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
usage: whoismac <options>

-d            : download
              : and save to ~/.hcxtools/oui.txt
              : internet connection required
-m <mac>      : mac (six bytes of mac addr) or 
              : oui (fist three bytes of mac addr)
-p <hashline> : input PMKID and/or EAPOL hashline (hashmode 22000 or 16800)
-P <hashline> : input EAPOL hashline from potfile (hashcat <= 5.1.0)
-e <ESSID>    : input ESSID
-x <xdigit>   : input ESSID in hex
-v <vendor>   : vendor name
-h            : this help screen


Hcx tools set

root@kali:~# wlancap2wpasec -h
wlancap2wpasec 6.3.4 (C) 2024 ZeroBeat
usage: wlancap2wpasec <options>  [input.pcapng] [input.pcap] [input.cap] [input.pcapng.gz]...
       wlancap2wpasec <options> *.pcapng
       wlancap2wpasec <options> *.gz
       wlancap2wpasec <options> *.*

-k <key>           : wpa-sec user key
-u <url>           : set user defined URL
                     default =
-t <seconds>       : set connection timeout
                     default = 30 seconds
-e <email address> : set email address, if required
-R                 : remove cap if upload was successful
-h                 : this help
-h                 : show version

Do not merge different cap files to a single cap file.
This will lead to unexpected behaviour on ESSID changes
or different link layer types.
To ‎remove unnecessary packets, run tshark:
tshark -r input.cap -R "(wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x00 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x02 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x04 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x05 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x08 || eapol)" -2 -F pcapng -w output.pcapng
To reduce the size of the cap file, compress it with gzip:
gzip capture.pcapng

Updated on: 2024-Nov-17