Packages and Binaries:


This package contains an humble, and fast, security-oriented HTTP headers analyzer.

Installed size: 240 KB
How to install: sudo apt install humble

  • publicsuffix
  • python3
  • python3-colorama
  • python3-fpdf
  • python3-requests
  • python3-tldextract
root@kali:~# humble -h
usage: [-h] [-a] [-b] [-df] [-e [PATH]] [-f [TERM]] [-g] [-l {es}]
                 [-o {csv,html,json,pdf,txt}] [-op OUTPUT_PATH] [-r]
                 [-s [SKIPPED_HEADERS ...]] [-u URL] [-ua USER_AGENT] [-v]

'humble' (HTTP Headers Analyzer) | | v.2024-03-27

  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  -a                          Shows statistics of the performed analysis (will
                              be global if '-u' is omitted)
  -b                          Shows overall findings (if omitted, details will
                              be shown)
  -df                         Do not follow redirects (if omitted, the last
                              redirection will be the one analyzed)
  -e [PATH]                   Shows TLS/SSL checks (requires the PATH of
                     and Linux/Unix OS)
  -f [TERM]                   Shows fingerprint statistics (will be the Top 20
                              if "TERM", e.g. "Google", is omitted)
  -g                          Shows guidelines for enabling security HTTP
                              response headers on popular servers/services
  -l {es}                     The language for displaying analysis, errors and
                              messages (if omitted it will be in English)
  -o {csv,html,json,pdf,txt}  Exports analysis to
                              'scheme_host_port_yyyymmdd.ext' file (csv/json
                              files will contain a brief analysis)
  -op OUTPUT_PATH             Exports analysis to OUTPUT_PATH (if omitted, the
                              PATH of '' will be used)
  -r                          Shows HTTP response headers and a detailed
                              analysis ('-b' parameter will take priority)
  -s [SKIPPED_HEADERS ...]    Skip analysis of specified HTTP response
                              headers, separated by spaces
  -u URL                      Scheme, host and port to analyze. E.g.
  -ua USER_AGENT              User-Agent ID from 'additional/user_agents.txt'
                              to use. '0' will show all and '1' is the
  -v, --version               Checks for updates at

  -u URL -b                   Analyzes the URL and reports overall findings
  -u URL -r                   Analyzes the URL and reports detailed findings along with HTTP response headers
  -u URL -l es                Analyzes the URL and reports detailed findings in Spanish
  -u URL -b -o csv            Analyzes the URL and exports overall findings to CSV
  -u URL -o pdf               Analyzes the URL and exports detailed findings to PDF
  -u URL -a                   Shows statistics of the analysis performed against the URL
  -u URL -s ETag NEL          Analyzes the URL and skips checks associated with 'ETag' and 'NEL' HTTP response headers
  -a -l es                    Shows statistics of the analysis performed against all URLs in Spanish

Updated on: 2024-May-23