Packages and Binaries:


This package contains an open source, easy-to-use, super-extensible and semi-automated network penetration testing tool that aids in discovery, reconnaissance and exploitation of information systems.

Legion is a fork of SECFORCE’s Sparta.

Installed size: 3.23 MB
How to install: sudo apt install legion

  • dirbuster
  • dnsmap
  • enum4linux
  • eyewitness | cutycapt
  • finger
  • hping3
  • hydra
  • imagemagick
  • impacket-scripts
  • ldap-utils
  • mariadb-client-core
  • medusa
  • metasploit-framework
  • nbtscan
  • netcat-traditional
  • nfs-common
  • nikto
  • nmap
  • perl
  • polenum
  • postgresql-client
  • python3
  • python3-colorama
  • python3-pandas
  • python3-pyexploitdb
  • python3-pyfiglet
  • python3-pyqt6
  • python3-pyshodan
  • python3-qasync
  • python3-requests
  • python3-rich
  • python3-serial-asyncio
  • python3-service-identity
  • python3-six
  • python3-sqlalchemy
  • python3-termcolor
  • python3-urllib3
  • rdesktop
  • rpcbind
  • rsh-redone-client | rsh-client
  • ruby
  • rwho
  • smbclient
  • smtp-user-enum
  • snmp
  • sparta-scripts
  • sqlmap
  • sslscan
  • sslyze
  • telnet
  • theharvester
  • unicornscan
  • urlscan
  • vncviewer
  • wafw00f
  • wapiti
  • whatweb
  • wordlists
  • wpscan
  • x11-apps
  • xserver-xephyr
  • xsltproc
  • xvfb
root@kali:~# legion -h
[09:10:59] INFO     Non-WSL The AppData Temp directory path is
           INFO     Using Qt Implementation: PyQt6      
           INFO     NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.      
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Updated on: 2024-May-29