Packages and Binaries:


This tool can be used to determine if an application that uses TLS/SSL for its data transfers does this in a secure way.

Installed size: 1.08 MB
How to install: sudo apt install qsslcaudit

  • libc6
  • libcrypto++8
  • libgcc-s1
  • libgnutls30
  • libqt5core5a
  • libqt5network5
  • libstdc++6
  • libunsafessl1.0.2
root@kali:~# qsslcaudit -h
Usage: qsslcaudit [options]
A tool to test SSL clients behavior

SSL client tests:
	1: (certs) custom certificate trust
	   certificate trust test with user-supplied certificate
	2: (certs) self-signed certificate for target domain trust
	   certificate trust test with self-signed certificate for user-supplied common name
	3: (certs) self-signed certificate for invalid domain trust
	   certificate trust test with self-signed certificate for
	4: (certs) custom certificate for target domain trust
	   certificate trust test with user-supplied common name signed by user-supplied certificate
	5: (certs) custom certificate for invalid domain trust
	   certificate trust test with common name signed by user-supplied certificate
	6: (certs) certificate for target domain signed by custom CA trust
	   certificate trust test with user-supplied common name signed by user-supplied CA certificate
	7: (certs) certificate for invalid domain signed by custom CA trust
	   certificate trust test with common name signed by user-supplied CA certificate
	8: (protos) SSLv2 protocol support
	   test for SSLv2 protocol support
	9: (protos) SSLv3 protocol support
	   test for SSLv3 protocol support
	10: (ciphers) SSLv3 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	   test for SSLv3 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	11: (ciphers) SSLv3 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	   test for SSLv3 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	12: (ciphers) SSLv3 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	   test for SSLv3 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	13: (protos) TLS 1.0 protocol support
	   test for TLS 1.0 protocol support
	14: (ciphers) TLS 1.0 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.0 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	15: (ciphers) TLS 1.0 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.0 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	16: (ciphers) TLS 1.0 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.0 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	17: (ciphers) TLS 1.1 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.1 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	18: (ciphers) TLS 1.1 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.1 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	19: (ciphers) TLS 1.1 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.1 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	20: (ciphers) TLS 1.2 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.2 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	21: (ciphers) TLS 1.2 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.2 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	22: (ciphers) TLS 1.2 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	   test for TLS 1.2 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	23: (ciphers) DTLS 1.0 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	   test for DTLS 1.0 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	24: (ciphers) DTLS 1.0 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	   test for DTLS 1.0 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	25: (ciphers) DTLS 1.0 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	   test for DTLS 1.0 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	26: (ciphers) DTLS 1.2 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	   test for DTLS 1.2 protocol and EXPORT grade ciphers support
	27: (ciphers) DTLS 1.2 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	   test for DTLS 1.2 protocol and LOW grade ciphers support
	28: (ciphers) DTLS 1.2 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	   test for DTLS 1.2 protocol and MEDIUM grade ciphers support
	29: (certs) CVE-2020-0601 ECC cert trust
	   test for trusting certificate signed by private key with custom curve

  -h, --help                      Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                      Displays help including Qt specific options.
  -v, --version                   Displays version information.
  -l, --listen-address <>  listen on <address>
  -p, --listen-port <8443>        bind to <port>
  --user-cn <>         common name (CN) to suggest to client
  --server <>  grab certificate information from <server>
  --user-cert <~/host.cert>       path to file containing custom certificate
                                  (or chain of certificates)
  --user-key <~/host.key>         path to file containing custom private key
  --user-ca-cert <~/ca.cert>      path to file containing custom certificate
                                  usable as CA
  --user-ca-key <~/ca.key>        path to file containing custom private key
                                  for CA certificate
  --selected-tests <1,3,5>        comma-separated list of tests (id) to execute
  --forward <>      forward connection to upstream proxy
  --show-ciphers                  show ciphers provided by loaded openssl
  --starttls <ftp|smtp|xmpp>      exchange specific STARTTLS messages before
                                  starting secure connection
  --loop-tests                    infinitely repeat selected tests (use Ctrl-C
                                  to kill the tool)
  -w, --wait-data-timeout <5000>  wait for incoming data <ms> milliseconds
                                  before emitting error
  --output-xml <qsslcaudit.xml>   save results in XML
  --pid-file </tmp/>        create a pidfile once initialized
  --dtls                          use DTLS protocol over UDP
  --double-first-test             execute the first test two times and ignore
                                  its client fingerprint

Updated on: 2023-Mar-08