Packages and Binaries:


RFDump is a tool to decode RFID tags and show their meta information: tag ID, tag type, manufacturer etc. The user data memory of a tag can be displayed and modified using either a hex or an ASCII editor. In addition, the integrated cookie feature demonstrates how easy it is for a company to abuse RFID technology to spy on their customers. RFDump works with the ACG multi-tag reader or similar card reader hardware.

Installed size: 251 KB
How to install: sudo apt install rfdump

  • libc6
  • libexpat1
  • libglib2.0-0t64
  • libgtk-3-0t64

Tool to detect RFID-Tags and show their meta information

root@kali:~# man rfdump
RFDUMP(1)                   General Commands Manual                   RFDUMP(1)

       rfdump -- Tool to detect RFID-Tags and show their meta information

       rfdump [-p /dev/ttyS?]  [--setupreader]  [file.xml]

       This manual page documents briefly the rfdump command.

       This  manual  page  was  written for the Debian distribution because the
       original program does not have a manual page.

       rfdump is a tool to detect RFID-Tags and show  their  meta  information:
       Tag  ID,  Tag Type, manufacturer etc. The User-Data of a tag can be dis-
       played and modified using either a Hex or an ASCII editor. In  addition,
       the  integrated cookie feature demonstrates how easy it is for a company
       to abuse RFID technology to spy on their customers.  rfdump  works  with
       the ACG Multi-Tag Reader or similar card reader hardware.

       -h           --help
                 Show summary of options.

       -p        specify port to use

                 setup the card reader

                 rfdump configuration file

       Further documentation can be found under /usr/share/doc/rfdump.

       This  manual  page was written by Meike Reichle <[email protected]>
       for the Debian system (but  may  be  used  by  others).   Permission  is
       granted  to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms
       of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published
       by the Free Software Foundation.

       On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General  Public  License
       can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.


Updated on: 2024-May-23