Tool Documentation:

ridenum Usage Example

Connect to the remote server ( and cycle from RID 500 to 50000 (500 50000), using the given password file (/tmp/passes.txt):

root@kali:~# ridenum 500 50000 /tmp/passes.txt
[*] Attempting lsaquery first...This will enumerate the base domain SID
[*] Successfully enumerated base domain SID.. Moving on to extract via RID
[*] Enumerating user accounts.. This could take a little while.

Packages and Binaries:


Rid Enum is a RID cycling attack that attempts to enumerate user accounts through null sessions and the SID to RID enum. If you specify a password file, it will automatically attempt to brute force the user accounts when its finished enumerating.

Installed size: 32 KB
How to install: sudo apt install ridenum

  • python3
  • python3-pexpect
root@kali:~# ridenum -h

.______       __   _______         _______ .__   __.  __    __  .___  ___.
|   _  \     |  | |       \       |   ____||  \ |  | |  |  |  | |   \/   |
|  |_)  |    |  | |  .--.  |      |  |__   |   \|  | |  |  |  | |  \  /  |
|      /     |  | |  |  |  |      |   __|  |  . `  | |  |  |  | |  |\/|  |
|  |\  \----.|  | |  '--'  |      |  |____ |  |\   | |  `--'  | |  |  |  |
| _| `._____||__| |_______/  _____|_______||__| \__|  \______/  |__|  |__|

Written by: David Kennedy (ReL1K)
Twitter: @TrustedSec
Twitter: @HackingDave

Rid Enum is a RID cycling attack that attempts to enumerate user accounts through
null sessions and the SID to RID enum. If you specify a password file, it will
automatically attempt to brute force the user accounts when its finished enumerating.

- RIDENUM is open source and uses all standard python libraries minus python-pexpect. -

You can also specify an already dumped username file, it needs to be in the DOMAINNAME\\USERNAME

Example: ./ 500 50000 /root/dict.txt /root/user.txt

Usage: ./ <server_ip> <start_rid> <end_rid> <optional_username> <optional_password> <optional_password_file> <optional_username_filename>

Updated on: 2024-Aug-06