Packages and Binaries:


This package is similar to the rli utility found in hashcat-utils, but much, much faster. rli compares a single file against another file(s) and removes all duplicates.

Installed size: 158 KB
How to install: sudo apt install rling

  • libc6
  • libjudydebian1


Get a password

root@kali:~# getpass -h
getpass Version 1.10 2023/09/02 05:27:23 dlr Exp dlr $

extract passwords from result files

	-c [colspec]	Set extraction to N-, N-M, or -M like cut
	-d [val]	Set delimiter to character, decimal value, or 0x-style hex value
	-f [field]	Set extraction to field number. Starts at 1
	-n		Disable extension exclusion entirely (equivalent to -x /dev/null)
	-t		Disable extension expansion (file.txt -> file.txt.[hashtype], etc.)
	-x [file]	Read excluded extension list from file, replacing default
	-h		This help
	-S exp		Sets $HEX[] conversion for char or range
	-U exp		Resets $HEX[] conversion for char or range
			Specify a character like a,b,c, or a range like a-f,
			0x61-0x66 or as decimal values line 0-32.

Default excluded extensions:
	.txt .orig .test .csalt.txt .fixme .new 


root@kali:~# rling --help
rling: unrecognized option '--help'
rling version: 1.74 2020/08/24 14:25:43 dlr Exp dlr $

rling - remove matching lines from a file
rling input output [remfil1 remfile2 ...]

	-i		Ignore any error/missing files on remove list
	-d		Removes duplicate lines from input (on by default)
	-D file		Write duplicates to file
	-n		Do not remove duplicate lines from input
	-c		Output lines common to input and remove files
	-s		Sort output. Default is input order.
			This will make the -b and -f options substantially faster
	-t number	Number of threads to use
	-p prime	Force size of hash table
	-b		Use binary search vs hash (slower, but less memory)
	-2		Use rli2 mode - all files must be sorted. Low mem usage.
	-f		Use files instead of memory (slower, but small memory)
	-l [len]		Limit all matching to a specific length.
	-M memsize	Maximum memory to use for -f mode
	-T path		Directory to store temp files in
	-q [cahwl]	Do frequency analysis on input
			a - all output, c - count, l - length, w - word,
			s - running statistics, h - append histogram
			Additional files will be matched against input files
	-h		This help

	stdin and stdout can be used in the place of any filename

root@kali:~# splitlen -h
splitlen Version 1.10 2020/09/01 21:51:47 dlr Exp dlr $

splitlen -o filename file [..file]
	-u		Remove $HEX[] encoding from input
	-o filename	Output to filename, modified with lengths
			The char # will be replaced with _length in filename
			If no # is in filename, _len will len appended to name
	-c char		Use char as place to insert number in -o file
	-s		Sorts by length into a single output file.
	-M size		Sets the final buffer size for -s option
	-S exp		Sets $HEX[] conversion for char or range
	-U exp		Resets $HEX[] conversion for char or range
			Specify a character like a,b,c, or a range like a-f,
			0x61-0x66 or as decimal values line 0-32.

Updated on: 2024-Feb-16