Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a tool to find open S3 buckets and dump their contents. The features are:

  • zap Multi-threaded scanning
  • telescope Supports tons of S3-compatible APIs
  • female_detective Scans all bucket permissions to find misconfigurations
  • floppy_disk Dump bucket contents to a local folder
  • whale Docker support

Installed size: 17.85 MB
How to install: sudo apt install s3scanner

  • libc6
root@kali:~# s3scanner -h
INPUT: (1 required)
  -bucket        string  Name of bucket to check.
  -bucket-file   string  File of bucket names to check.
  -mq                    Connect to RabbitMQ to get buckets. Requires config file key "mq". Default: "false"

  -db       Save results to a Postgres database. Requires config file key "db.uri". Default: "false"
  -json     Print logs to stdout in JSON format instead of human-readable. Default: "false"

  -enumerate           Enumerate bucket objects (can be time-consuming). Default: "false"
  -provider    string  Object storage provider: aws, custom, digitalocean, dreamhost, gcp, linode - custom requires config file. Default: "aws"
  -threads     int     Number of threads to scan with. Default: "4"

  -verbose     Enable verbose logging. Default: "false"
  -version     Print version Default: "false"

If config file is required these locations will be searched for config.yml: "." "/etc/s3scanner/" "$HOME/.s3scanner/"

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14