Packages and Binaries:


scalpel is a fast file carver that reads a database of header and footer definitions and extracts matching files from a set of image files or raw device files.

scalpel is filesystem-independent and will carve files from FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS, raw partitions, etc.

scalpel is a complete rewrite of the Foremost 0.69 file carver and is useful for both digital forensics investigations and file recovery.

Installed size: 88 KB
How to install: sudo apt install scalpel

  • libc6

Recover files using a header/footer database

root@kali:~# scalpel -h
Scalpel version 1.60
Written by Golden G. Richard III, based on Foremost 0.69.
Carves files from a disk image based on file headers and footers.

Usage: scalpel [-b] [-c <config file>] [-d] [-h|V] [-i <file>]
                 [-m blocksize] [-n] [-o <outputdir>] [-O num] [-q clustersize]
                 [-r] [-s num] [-t <blockmap file>] [-u] [-v]
                 <imgfile> [<imgfile>] ...

-b  Carve files even if defined footers aren't discovered within
    maximum carve size for file type [foremost 0.69 compat mode].
-c  Choose configuration file.
-d  Generate header/footer database; will bypass certain optimizations
    and discover all footers, so performance suffers.  Doesn't affect
    the set of files carved.  **EXPERIMENTAL**
-h  Print this help message and exit.
-i  Read names of disk images from specified file.
-m  Generate/update carve coverage blockmap file.  The first 32bit
    unsigned int in the file identifies the block size. Thereafter
    each 32bit unsigned int entry in the blockmap file corresponds
    to one block in the image file.  Each entry counts how many
    carved files contain this block. Requires more memory and
    disk.  **EXPERIMENTAL**
-n  Don't add extensions to extracted files.
-o  Set output directory for carved files.
-O  Don't organize carved files by type. Default is to organize carved files
    into subdirectories.
-p  Perform image file preview; audit log indicates which files
    would have been carved, but no files are actually carved.
-q  Carve only when header is cluster-aligned.
-r  Find only first of overlapping headers/footers [foremost 0.69 compat mode].
-s  Skip n bytes in each disk image before carving.
-t  Set directory for coverage blockmap.  **EXPERIMENTAL**
-u  Use carve coverage blockmap when carving.  Carve only sections
    of the image whose entries in the blockmap are 0.  These areas
    are treated as contiguous regions.  **EXPERIMENTAL**
-V  Print copyright information and exit.
-v  Verbose mode.

Updated on: 2023-Mar-08