Packages and Binaries:


The Unarchiver is an archive unpacker program with support for the popular zip, RAR, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, CAB, MSI, NSIS, EXE, ISO, BIN, and split file formats, as well as the old Stuffit, Stuffit X, DiskDouble, Compact Pro, Packit, cpio, compress (.Z), ARJ, ARC, PAK, ACE, ZOO, LZH, ADF, DMS, LZX, PowerPacker, LBR, Squeeze, Crunch, and other old formats.

This package contains the lsar tool which lists the contents of archives and the unar tool which extracts those contents.

Installed size: 5.84 MB
How to install: sudo apt install unar

  • gnustep-base-runtime
  • libbz2-1.0
  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • libgnustep-base1.29
  • libicu72
  • libobjc4
  • libstdc++6
  • libwavpack1
  • zlib1g

List archive file contents

root@kali:~# lsar -h
lsar v1.10.1, a tool for listing the contents of archive files.
Usage: lsar [options] archive [files ...]

Available options:
-long (-l)                      Print more information about each file in the
-verylong (-L)                  Print all available information about each file
                                in the archive.
-test (-t)                      Test the integrity of the files in the archive,
                                if possible.
-password (-p) <string>         The password to use for decrypting protected
-encoding (-e) <encoding name>  The encoding to use for filenames in the
                                archive, when it is not known. If not specified,
                                the program attempts to auto-detect the encoding
                                used. Use "help" or "list" as the argument to
                                give a listing of all supported encodings.
-password-encoding (-E) <name>  The encoding to use for the password for the
                                archive, when it is not known. If not specified,
                                then either the encoding given by the -encoding
                                option or the auto-detected encoding is used.
-print-encoding (-pe)           Print the auto-detected encoding and the
                                confidence factor after the file list
-indexes (-i)                   Instead of specifying the files to list as
                                filenames or wildcard patterns, specify them as
-json (-j)                      Print the listing in JSON format.
-json-ascii (-ja)               Print the listing in JSON format, encoded as
                                pure ASCII text.
-no-recursion (-nr)             Do not attempt to list archives contained in
                                other archives. For instance, when unpacking a
                                .tar.gz file, only list the .gz file and not its
-help (-h)                      Display this information.
-version (-v)                   Print version and exit.


Extract archive file contents

root@kali:~# unar -h
unar v1.10.1, a tool for extracting the contents of archive files.
Usage: unar [options] archive [files ...]

Available options:
-output-directory (-o) <string>    The directory to write the contents of the
                                   archive to. Defaults to the current
                                   directory. If set to a single dash (-), no
                                   files will be created, and all data will be
                                   output to stdout.
-force-overwrite (-f)              Always overwrite files when a file to be
                                   unpacked already exists on disk. By default,
                                   the program asks the user if possible,
                                   otherwise skips the file.
-force-rename (-r)                 Always rename files when a file to be
                                   unpacked already exists on disk.
-force-skip (-s)                   Always skip files when a file to be unpacked
                                   already exists on disk.
-force-directory (-d)              Always create a containing directory for the
                                   contents of the unpacked archive. By default,
                                   a directory is created if there is more than
                                   one top-level file or folder.
-no-directory (-D)                 Never create a containing directory for the
                                   contents of the unpacked archive.
-password (-p) <string>            The password to use for decrypting protected
-encoding (-e) <encoding name>     The encoding to use for filenames in the
                                   archive, when it is not known. If not
                                   specified, the program attempts to
                                   auto-detect the encoding used. Use "help" or
                                   "list" as the argument to give a listing of
                                   all supported encodings.
-password-encoding (-E) <name>     The encoding to use for the password for the
                                   archive, when it is not known. If not
                                   specified, then either the encoding given by
                                   the -encoding option or the auto-detected
                                   encoding is used.
-indexes (-i)                      Instead of specifying the files to unpack as
                                   filenames or wildcard patterns, specify them
                                   as indexes, as output by lsar.
-no-recursion (-nr)                Do not attempt to extract archives contained
                                   in other archives. For instance, when
                                   unpacking a .tar.gz file, only unpack the .gz
                                   file and not its contents.
-copy-time (-t)                    Copy the file modification time from the
                                   archive file to the containing directory, if
                                   one is created.
-forks (-k) <visible|hidden|skip>  How to handle Mac OS resource forks.
                                   "visible" creates AppleDouble files with the
                                   extension ".rsrc", "hidden" creates
                                   AppleDouble files with the prefix "._", and
                                   "skip" discards all resource forks. Defaults
                                   to "visible".
-quiet (-q)                        Run in quiet mode.
-version (-v)                      Print version and exit.
-help (-h)                         Display this information.

Updated on: 2023-Aug-17